Most people are not going to sell all their belongings and travel the world.

Yet, nearly everyone is curious about it.

Personally, I feel like the lucky one who gets to live this ridiculous life, going places and doing things that most people only dream of. It’s incredibly freeing to have so few possessions and even fewer responsibilities, but it’s also tremendously unsettling to wake up some days and realize I don’t know where I’m going to sleep that night. Nomad life is a mix like that. One day I’m at a hostel in Puerto Rico, the next I’m at a mansion in the Hamptons.

Most nomads tend to be either living out of a van or working a 9-5 remotely, but my approach is a bit different, less tethered and less concerned about garnering Likes and Followers. I’m just trying to live a great story and tell about it. Hopefully here you will find a full picture of nomad life, not just the highlights you see on Instagram.

  • Stats and Lists

    a nerdy review of full-time travel

  • Destinations

    where I’ve been, and where I’m going

  • Travel Tips

    what has worked for me

  • Pros and Cons

    there’s a clear winner

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    No, I don’t have a van.